

  1. AIDS
  2. The Spotted Dick
  3. Baby Yoda
  4. They/them pussy
  5. Zelda
  6. The foot rub
  7. Ironside's drip
  8. Super Baby Meth Head: Part I
  9. The Griddy
  10. Toilet Burger
  11. Conehead love
  12. It's christmas!
  13. Mr. Kojima
  14. Punished Jed
  15. Cubicle life
  16. That time I got reincarnated as a dingus stuck in the car door?
  17. The dam
  18. As far as it can go
  19. Aaron alone
  20. Youth outreach communication strategies
  21. Aarons affair involving assets
  22. God forgive me
  23. Hot dreams
  24. Dead meth baby
  25. Takeout taking forever

Wizards and shit

  1. Crab hunt
